20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (2024)

Any pug owner will tell you that pugs are special. They have qualities that are unlike those of any other breed. But, what is now second nature to a pug owner might be a surprise to those thinking of getting their first pug. That’s because there’s nothing quite like the pug life! Read on to learn 20 things that only pug owners would know.

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (1)

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1. They shed a lot!

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (2)

Even though they’re small, compact dogs, pugs shed a good amount.

Their coat is very tightly-packed – it holds roughly 600 hairs per square inch! Compare that to a Yorkshire Terrier, who has only 100 to 200 hairs per square inch.

Some pugs even have double coats, both an undercoat and topcoat of fur, meaning they shed even more.

Add to that the fact that a pug’s hair growth cycle (growth, rest, and shed) moves faster than your average dog, and you’ve got a chronic shedder!

Pug owners know to stock up on lint rollers, and to invest in a good vacuum cleaner.

2. You have to clean their face wrinkles

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (3)

Pug wrinkles are one of their cutest features, but they can be high maintenance.

These deep pockets trap debris, water and bits of food.

They should be kept clean and dry, or else your pug is at risk of infection, funky smells or inflammation.

Keep them clean with daily grooming. Wipe down between each fold and pat dry.

3. Their eyes are sensitive

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (4)

Large, beautiful, dark pug eyes! They’re the window to a pug’s soul.

Unfortunately, a pug’s big eyes can cause big problems too.

They’re bold and prominent, with a large surface area that can catch debris. This can lead to inflammation and irritation, or at worst corneal abrasions and ulcers.

You can help avoid these issues by keeping your pug well groomed, so no loose hairs or dirt get into their eyes, and with regular wipe downs. Routine vet checks are also recommended.

4. Their tails uncurl when they are relaxed or tired

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (5)

Pugs are known for their curly tails, but it’s normal to catch sight of an uncurled tail every now and then.

The most common reason for a straight tail is a sleepy pug. When your pug is feeling relaxed or tired, the muscles around their tail also relax, allowing it to uncurl.

Other causes for a straight tail include nervousness, sadness, concentration or sickness. Older pugs are prone to ‘straight-tail syndrome,’ when they lose firmness in their muscles.

5. They have no sense of personal space

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (6)

Pugs love human contact. They’ll sit at (or on) your feet, on your lap, by your side or in any position where their paws are on you. Get used to touching fur, and forget about your personal space.

6. Snoring is your new white noise machine

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (7)

Pugs wheeze, snort, sneeze and snore. They’re constantly making funny sounds, especially at night time and when napping.

These sounds are second nature in a pug household, but if you’re a light sleeper or have auditory sensitivities, you might want to invest in ear plugs.

7. Reverse sneezing is a thing

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (8)

A reverse sneeze is the opposite of a sneeze. In a normal sneeze, air is pushed out through the nose. In a reverse sneeze, air is quickly, and forcefully pulled in through the nose.

Pugs are prone to reverse sneezing because of their flat faces and short noses. They’re caused by things like allergies, too much excitement from play or exercise, or drinking too quickly.

An episode of reverse sneezing typically lasts anywhere from a few seconds to about two minutes. It can cause a very loud snorting or gagging sound, and your pug may extend their neck with eyes bulging. But stay calm – what may look like a seizure or asthma attack is actually nothing to worry about, and your pug should be fine once it stops.

When Boogie has a reverse sneezing attack, we usually speak to him calmly and gently rub his neck and chest. If it continues, we force open his mouth to encourage him to swallow.

8. They love chin rests

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (9)

It’s a fact that pugs love a good chin rest. Ask any pug owner and they’ll confirm.

Your hand, an arm rest, a pillow, a coffee table. Pretty much any elevated surface will do.

Perhaps they love chin rests because their heads are so heavy. Maybe it’s because they prefer to keep their noggins raised. No one can definitively say! The only thing confirmed is that all pugs are born with this preference, and it’s necessary for optimal comfort.

9. They sometimes like humans more than other dogs

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (10)

Pugs get extremely attached to their owners, and often choose to hang out with humans over other dogs.

They also love their own kind, and will hang out with other pugs in social situations.

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (11)

10. Their strength multiplies when getting their nails clipped

Pugs are docile and sweet until the nail trimmer comes out.

If you have a pug puppy, get them used to having their nails trimmed. Practice, use lots of treats and touch their paws a lot.

If you don’t, you’ll have to deal with Cujo every month or so.

11. They will be your shadow

Forget privacy. A pug will follow you wherever you go. On your lap, in your bed, even at your feet while you use the bathroom. They don’t like closed doors and they don’t like to be away from their human.

12. They have huge appetites

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (12)

Pugs live to eat. Every pug’s favorite room in the house is the kitchen.

They’re incredibly food driven, and therefore prone to obesity.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet are a must. Don’t overdo it on the treats, and make sure your pug stays at a healthy weight to avoid health issues.

If you have a chubby pug, check out our tips for helping them lose a few pounds.

13. They hate the rain

Pugs are picky about weather. They don’t like when it’s too hot or too cold, and they especially don’t like the rain. Your pug may even go on a poop strike if it’s raining outside.

14. They love pillows

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (13)

Pugs are experts at getting comfortable. The more cushions, the better. They love pillows, beds, comforters and anything luxurious. Make sure your pug has soft and comfortable places to lounge, and good luck sharing a bed with them (they’re bed hogs!).

15. They’re great with all ages

One of the reasons pugs make such great family dogs is they’re great with all ages – children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. It’s what makes them such a lovable breed!

16. Anal glands!

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (14)

Dogs have two little anal glands, located just below the anus. When your pug poops, these glands secrete a unique scent that coats their poo. This is what dogs are smelling when they sniff each other’s butts! They’re getting a good whiff of the substance, also known as butt juice.

If the sacks are not emptied properly, it may cause leaking, discomfort and/or infection.

There are a few signs that can alert you that your pug needs their anal glands squeezed. If you see your pug itching their rear, sniffing around their butt frequently, or dragging their bum on the floor, then they might need their sacks emptied.

If their anal glands are leaking, you’ll know it. The substance smells like hot garbage mixed with rotten fish guts. There’s nothing like it.

You can get your vet or groomer to empty the anal glands, or learn to do it yourself at home (use gloves, and beware of squirting!).

17. Pug slang

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (15)

If you’re around pug people, or join a pug community online, you’re bound to hear some terms that your average non pug owner wouldn’t know. Pug slang is used to refer to pug traits that are extremely common. Here are a few examples:

Pocket Pug – a fully grown pug who is extremely small.

Velcro Pug – a pug who sticks to their human like velcro; they always stick to your side or in your lap.

Pug Eggs– a plush squeaky egg toy that pugs love to play with. Get your pug some here.

20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (16)18. They have the softest ears known to man

Pug ears are as soft as velvet. If you rub them, you’ll notice that they’re often the softest part of the pug body.

Pugs have one of three types of ear, all soft as velvet: the rose ear, the fly ear and the button ear.

19. They love to lick

Pugs love to lick. Your face, your arm, their paws, a pillow other pugs. Mixed in with snorts and sneezes, you’re bound to hear plenty of slurps. If they’re not licking something, then they might even be licking their own chops.

20. They will give you unconditional love

Pugs love hard, and they create special bonds with their humans. They’re incredibly expressive about their feelings too, and will shower you with pug hugs, kisses and loads of attention. They’re an incredibly affectionate breed, unlike any other. There’s nothing like unconditional pug love.

What do you love about pugs?

Want more pug fun? Check out these related articles:

The Ultimate List of Pug Names

The Best Harness For Pugs: The Pug Community Weighs In

How To Deal With A Shedding Pug

Click here for more pug knowledge!

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20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (17)
20 Things Only Pug Owners Would Know (2024)


What are pugs weaknesses? ›

What are the drawbacks of a Pug? Pugs are prone to many health problems, including eye, ear, and skin infections and breathing problems. This requires consistent and frequent bathing and ear cleaning, as well as frequent and sometimes expensive trips to the veterinarian.

What do pugs love the most? ›

Bred to be companion dogs, Pugs love nothing more than the company of their owners and don't tolerate being left alone very well. They'll be happiest at your side and can be very prone to separation anxiety.

What do pugs think of their owners? ›

Not Just a Best Friend, a Die-Hard Sidekick. Of course, every dog loves her owner, but a pug will stick to you like glue, follow you from room to room, curl up in the passenger seat for a cross-country drive, and truck around behind you in the backyard. Pugs love to love, and they'll steal your heart completely.

What do pugs not like? ›

This means pugs are not outside dogs! Nor should they be left out for long periods of time. It comes from that short neck and thick fur-they just can't get cool! Also, pugs hate the rain.

What is a bad behavior for a Pug? ›

They can also be a bit stubborn and seem to have selective hearing. Pugs also have voracious appetites and tend to “eat first” and ask questions later. It's not uncommon for a pug to eat, hump or lick something that gets them into a precarious situation.

What is the main cause of death in pugs? ›

Cancer is the most common cause of death of pugs in their golden years, and younger pugs are especially prone to mast cell tumors and oral melanoma (skin cancer of the mouth).

Do pugs like to sleep with you? ›

Pugs are known for their affectionate nature and they love to cuddle, making them perfect bed companions. However, it's essential to consider factors such as allergies, hygiene, and potential disruption to your sleep. If these aren't issues for you, then there's no reason why your pug can't share your bed.

What is a pug's favorite thing to do? ›

Whatever's on your plate is like crack to a pug. Eating is their favorite pastime (followed by snuggling), and they will put just about anything into that crinkly face, then ask for more.

Where should pugs sleep? ›

You may very well decide that crate training your pug or having them sleep in their own bed in your bedroom is the best option for you. But just remember, wherever you choose to have your pug sleep at night, it is your choice and what is best for you and your pug.

How to tell if a pug loves you? ›

Here are our top five ways of knowing that your dog loves you back.
  1. Soft eye contact. Eye contact can mean many things, but dogs are naturally quite hesitant to make eye contact. ...
  2. Tail wagging. ...
  3. Cuddling (on their terms) ...
  4. Happy greeting.
Mar 22, 2024

What do pugs struggle with? ›

Because pugs' skulls and muzzles are compact, their throats and breathing passages are frequently undersized or flattened, obstructing their airflow, and making breathing difficult. But pugs are not the only breeds gasping for air, other brachycephalic breeds include: Bulldogs (French and English) Boxers.

Why do pugs stare at you? ›

Dogs Are Reading Us

They sense our moods, follow our pointing gestures, and read us for information about what's going to happen next. That means they stare at us a lot to gain knowledge about their environment. Essentially, they are waiting for us to do something that will impact them.

What smell do pugs hate? ›

For dogs, citrus scents are the enemy. Citrus scents like lemon, lime, oranges, and grapefruit–especially in high concentrations often found in household cleaners or essential oils–can cause irritation to your pup's respiratory tract, so keep any fresh citrus fruits out of your dog's reach.

What is pugs weakness? ›

“Common causes of rear limb weakness in pugs include things like slipped discs, tumors, and degenerative myelopathy, but the most common cause is pug myelopathy, or constrictive myelopathy.”

What can pugs drink besides water? ›

5 Dog-Friendly Drinks Other Than Water
  • Unsalted Broth. Plain broth is one of the best things your dog can drink. ...
  • Goat's Milk. Most dogs are lactose-intolerant, so feeding them cow's milk isn't a good idea. ...
  • Vegetable Juice. ...
  • 4, Coconut Water. ...
  • Pedialyte. ...
  • A Drink for Every Dog.
Mar 10, 2023

What are pugs sensitive to? ›

Common environmental allergens include fleas, dust mites, trees, pollens and grasses. Environmental allergens will be more bothersome to pets in some regions than others, so if you move, your pet's symptoms may worsen or (hopefully) subside.

Why is my pug weak? ›

“Common causes of rear limb weakness in pugs include things like slipped discs, tumors, and degenerative myelopathy, but the most common cause is pug myelopathy, or constrictive myelopathy.”

Are pugs difficult to care for? ›

Like other brachycephalic dogs, such as French bulldogs, pugs require special care, and sometimes their vet bills can be higher than other breeds thanks to their flat faces, protruding eyes, and predisposition to certain genetic conditions.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.